United Public Workers for Action

Forum -

The Whole World is Watching
The Cost and Politics of The Super Bowl Billionaire's Party

Presentation by Dr. George Wright

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Time: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 6:30 PM
Where: Bernal Public Library Community Room

The tax subsidized SuperBowl City and circus now taking place in the Bay Area is not unique. Cities all over the country have provided hundreds of millions of dollars for the wealthy to come to their cities for the SuperBowl which is a “non-profit” for the billionaires who own the teams and merchandise franchise deals. At the same time of the SuperBowl, the Black and Latino families and youth in San Francisco are being evicted and some are being executed like Mario Woods and Alex Nieto. They pit communities like Oakland with the Raiders against other communities to build billion dollars stadiums to serve the corporate interests.

George Wright is a writer and expert on the commercialization of sports in the US and around the world, and he looks at how this affects the athletes, the sport and the public.
He will expose how the NLF and SuperBowl operates and who benefits from their businesses. While the city of San Francisco is providing a subsidy of $5 million dollars for the SuperBowl, it is attacking public workers and allowing tens of thousands of families to be evicted from their homes in San Francisco through gentrification and displacement. Mayor Ed Lee is also attacking the homeless who are being told they have to clear out for the tourists and more profits for the multi-nationals and profiteers who plan to make big bucks on this tax paid corporate extravaganza.

This forum will also look at the corruption behind SF Mayor Ed Lee and his police chief Greg Suhr who have supported the execution of Mario Woods in Bayview/Hunter Point and spent millions covering up the corruption and illegal activities of the police department.
People in San Francisco are now demanding that Police Chief Suhr be fired and are planning to march on SuperBowl City with the demand of Justice For Mario Woods and others who have been killed by the police.

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